Dr. Cassie & Associates

Autism (ASD)

What signs might I see in my child?

  • Difficulty communicating, delay in developing speech or understanding language
  • Difficulty understanding emotions in others, reading facial expressions or understanding tone of voice
  • Differences in use of eye contact, they might avoid it or it may appear more intense
  • Limited and often intense interests
  • Behavioural problems such as over-reactive to seemingly small triggers, physical aggression, frequent meltdowns
  • Strong preference for routine and struggles with change
  • A preference for playing alone
  • Sensory sensitivities (strong likes or dislikes for certain sensations) including a fussy or restricted diet
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Difficulties making or keeping friendships

Should I get my child assessed?

Reasons why your child might need an assessment:

  • Behavioural problems at home and/or at school
  • Concerns about slow academic progress at school 
  • Difficulties managing social relationships
  • Showing signs of anxiety about attending school or school refusal 
  • Family functioning is being significantly impacted by behaviours at home

What does an assessment involve?

Before the assessment:

  • We will ask you and your child’s school to complete questionnaires 
  • Review of any relevant reports from professionals who have seen your child e.g. speech therapists, educational psychologists, etc
  • A screening phone call, if needed, to discuss the best assessment for your child
  • A video call to take their developmental history from you as parents, in advance of the assessment, if you are concerned about speaking in front of your child

During the assessment:

  • Approximately 2 to 3 hours face to face in my clinic room in Wallingford
    • Observation of your child’s communication and interaction, as well as a formal play based assessment 
    • A full history from you of your child’s health and development 
    • Growth assessment and physical examination of your child where applicable 
  • Verbal feedback is given on the day with the results of the assessment 

What happens after the assessment:

  • Observation of your child in their school setting may be arranged
  • You will receive a comprehensive report with a detailed explanation of the results, and a list of recommendations and resources that may help to support you and your child
  • Recommendations for your child’s school and a copy of the report (amended as necessary) made available for your child’s school, which may facilitate additional support or an application for an EHCP 
  • Follow up as necessary including liaison with their school and attendance at school meetings to give advice, if required