Dr Suzanne Smith is an HCPC registered Clinical Psychologist who has specialised in neurodevelopmental conditions in children and young people since qualifying in 2009. Suzanne has a range of experience across NHS and private practice, specialising in diagnostic assessments with children and young people aged 3 -17 years, post diagnostic support and interventions, providing consultancy to allied health professionals, training and supervision. In her current NHS role, Suzanne works as a Principal Clinical Psychologist as part of a large multidisciplinary team for a specialist neurodevelopmental service. In addition, she has worked as an associate across the private sector for the past eight years. She is also a Principal Sessional Lecturer at Warwick University where she teaches on the Clinical Psychology Masters course.
Suzanne is particularly passionate about mainstream schools becoming more neuro-affirmative in their philosophy, teaching and support of students. She has specialist interests in complex presentations of autism such as pervasive demand avoidance subtype, and cases where there are co-occurring attachment disruptions or other forms of developmental trauma. Suzanne also has a special interest in Tourettes Syndrome and has completed training in CBiTT Comprehensive Behavioural intervention for Tics and Tourettes.
Away from work, Suzanne has her own neuro-spicey family!. She has been on the other side of the assessment process twice with her two children who are both autistic. She loves watching her ten year old sports mad son playing football, and watching endless episodes of Dr Who and Young Sheldon with him.

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